What is Karlito’s Store?
Karlito’s store is our very own digital items shop where you can get personalized kumu profiles by shopping at the Karlito store, where you can buy digital goods.
What can I buy in the store?
By purchasing digital goods from Karlito’s Store, you can have customized Kumu profiles. You can buy custom profile frames, badges, and entrance animations.
I can’t find the store, what should I do?
The Kumu app may need to be updated to the most recent version if you can't locate the store or have some items missing. This feature supports both iOS and Android.
How to Purchase in Karlito’s Digital Store?
1. Launch the Kumu app then tap the profile icon on the upper left corner of the screen.
2. Tap the Karlito’s Store
3. Choose the items you want to purchase.
3. Then tap buy with your coins.
Congrats! You have successfully purchased your Karlito Digital Goods! Don't forget to activate it!
How to activate the purchase badge?
1. Just tap “Profile”, then go to “Karlito Store”
2. Tap “Your Items” on the upper right of your screen
3. Pick your desired badge, frame, or entrance animation.
4. Then activate your digital goods to customize your profile and stream entrance.
5. You can always switch to other existing items on your Karlito Digital Bag as long as it's not yet expired.
How long do the items last?
Each item lasts for specific days depending on how long the promo/event runs. The timer starts when Kumunizens activate it on their Karlito Digital Bag.
Can I buy it again after it expires?
Yes, you can but only after the digital goods expire.
Can I buy it for another user/friend?
For now, this feature is not available on our Karlito Store. Add us on WhatsApp to know more about our Karlito Bundles!
What if I want to take down the digital items that I bought?
If you wish to end the custom digital items before the expiry date, you may return to your Karlito Bag in the app and "pick off" the item or replace it. For issues or concerns regarding your Karlito Goods, please send an email to our customer service team at support@kumu.ph
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